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Davis, California

Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Editorial Board seeks to inspire your weekend getaway

Take a day trip to stave off the burnout until summer break


We know that sometimes you’d rather be anywhere than the top floor of Shields Library, staring at the error message in your code or at the empty page where your essay should be. We’ve all daydreamed about skipping town in the last few weeks before finals. Here’s the good news: With just a little bit of planning, you can ditch the sweaty lecture halls for a day or two and refresh. Your loyal Editorial Board has assembled our favorite day trips to inspire your mini-vacation. 

Sonora Slater, Editor-in-Chief

Was it actually the best day trip I ever took, or was it just the most recent one? During the quarter system, my brain loses all memories from more than two weeks ago, so it’s unclear. That said, I highly recommend following this exact itinerary in San Francisco the next time you need to get away.

Pick up a lavender cream cold brew at Equator Coffee on your way into the city, and stop for breakfast at the highly acclaimed Ariscault Bakery (trust me, you want a croissant). Browse a nearby bookstore — might I suggest Green Apple? — and then stroll through one of the many weekend farmers markets to collect whatever produce your heart desires. Cherries, perhaps? Snap peas? A single carrot? If you’re lucky, there will be a craft fair happening simultaneously. 

Tote your farmar haul over to a beach with a good view of the Golden Gate Bridge, turn on some music and enjoy your snack while you read your newly acquired book, people watch or collect rocks from the sand that will inevitably be less pretty once they dry out — it’s one of the great mysteries of life. The rest of the day is up to you: climb to the top of Coit Tower in Little Italy, watch a baseball game at Oracle Park or explore the California Academy of Sciences. Just make sure you catch the sunset on your drive home. 

Clara Fischer, Managing Editor

As the spring quarter of my senior year slowly draws to a close, I can’t help but feel a little extra Aggie pride. While there are many things that make our school special, one underrated aspect is its location — yes, its location, in all its farmland, Cow Town glory. Davis’ central location has allowed me to go on some really fun trips in my time here, but my personal favorite destination for a long weekend has to be Lake Tahoe. 

Tahoe is beautiful all year round, from the warmer weather and stunningly clear water of the summer seasons to the snow-capped mountains and cozy cabin vibes of winter. While the drive can be a bit strenuous, especially in the winter (don’t forget to check the weather and heed any blizzard watches!), it’s always worth the trip. If you do go, remember the golden rule of any outdoor space: leave no trace. And Keep Tahoe Blue!

Lily Freeman, Campus News Editor

In the midst of midterms and finals, I dream of spending my day sippin’ on a chilled glass of white wine. Fortunately, we live just under an hour away from one of the best places to drink wine in the world: Napa! From walking around vineyards without a care in the world to masquerading as a wine connoisseur, escaping to the countryside is the perfect way to disassociate from the stresses of being a student. Napa’s energy is rejuvenating (whether or not you partake in the drinking), with endless greenery and beautiful sunsets. 

On top of the vineyards, Napa has an adorable downtown. Local cafes, a variety of dinner restaurants and small-business boutiques make a trip there worthwhile. The Napa River runs through the town, and its waterfront is a prime place to take a nap(a) under the sun. The drive is also scenic, and if you really want an adventure, skip the highway and take the backroads the whole way there. Be careful though — spend too much time in Napa and suddenly, finals won’t matter anymore and your aspirations will shift toward viticulture and frolicking through grape fields..

Chris Ponce, City News Editor

Moving to Davis was a culture shock for me and I know it has been a similar experience for many other non-white students. There is so much to love here, yet it certainly is a change from home. This is why I’ve learned to love Woodland so much.

Sure, sure, while on the surface Woodland might seem like just another small town, it really is a gem worth appreciating. The town by far has the best Mexican food nearby (I recommend Sol Méxican Cuisine) and is just a richly different place from Davis. It’s also a quick trip — forget about going to San Francisco or Tahoe, the drive takes less than 20 minutes. The buildings in downtown Woodland feel older and more historic than Davis. They also have so many cute cafes.

 So on your next Costco trip, maybe take the time to see what else Woodland has to offer. There’s a reason I always choose to take my parents here – from the cute downtown to the superior food, Woodland is a lovely place.

Annabel Marshall, Opinion Editor

Ask yourself this: When was the last time you saw a whale? For me it was two weeks ago, along the cape of Point Reyes. Google Maps will tell you that it’s a two-hour drive from Davis to this small tourist destination on the coast (or a mere 46-hour walk). But in actuality, the journey hardly feels like any time at all — a scenic drive will take you through expansive grasslands dotted with sheep. Then the lush forests through which winds an only-slightly-nauseating road. Then sloping, freshly green hills dropping off into sea cliffs. To me, this is the classic Northern California trip — one day, four microclimates and an ocean cold enough to make you understand Baywatch in a new, less romantic light. 

My lovely housemates and I took our time on our way to Point Reyes, stopping at various road-side towns for cheese, bread and hot chocolate. We browsed bookstores and bakeries, dilly-dallied in the rain. We saw elk, cows, llamas, a fox and, of course, a whale waving to us on the shore — a gorgeous reprieve from the late weeks of spring quarter. 

Yasmeen O’Brien, Features Editor

Davis is a wonderful town and as my time here is dwindling I want to soak it up as much as I can. I’m thoroughly looking forward to spending my last couple months here, and appreciating everything this special place has to offer all over again. That being said, sometimes you just need to get away. After almost four years here, I know that schoolwork can be a lot and sometimes our small town is just too packed with familiar faces. For these ailments I recommend a weekend getaway. More specifically, heading way up north to the beautiful Humboldt County.

The redwood forests are truly enchanting and make you feel small, but like you are a part of something bigger. The rugged Northern California coastline is breathtaking and untouched. In the springtime, native flowers bloom along every inch of the green earth and the wildlife seems to come out often after a long winter. The local Redwood National Park allows you to envelop yourself in nature with some awesome hikes and viewpoints to check out. 

If you’re looking for some light, sustainable shopping or grabbing a bite to eat, Arcata is a small town in the area that I visited recently and highly recommend (one of my dearest friends grew up there!). It has a very cute downtown with a record store, thrift shop, craft stores, cafes, bakeries, restaurants and more. The area is known for its rainy weather, so check the forecast before you head up there.

Ana Bach, Arts and Culture Editor 

Per a close friend’s recommendation, I traveled to Sonoma for the first time during the summer of my freshman year. I have to say that in comparison to Napa, the quaint vibe that the area offers is one that embraces locals and visitors alike, which is why I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a chill getaway. The historic downtown district has so many nice restaurants and parks for people-watching. If you are seeking a spot that has both great ambiance and food, the restaurant “the girl & the fig” is one of my favorite food spots, offering a French country fare experience paired with fine wines from Sonoma’s backyard. If you want a pizza to pair with your wine instead, Cafe La Haye is one of the best places in Sonoma to grab a slice. 

Aside from food, Sonoma has a bunch of cute knick-knack shops on every block. As a vintage book and retail lover, I can safely say that Sonoma will keep you intrigued with eclectic trinkets and good reads. Be sure to check out Readers’ Books next time you find yourself in the area. I know at this time of the year I am in need of a little R&R away from Davis, and Sonoma provides a calm ambiance where you can still expect to have a fulfilling day. 

Megan Joseph, Sports Editor

Summer is almost here! After what has felt like the longest school year ever, we are almost done and headed to our fun plans for the warmest months of the year. Although this also means finals are looming, there are only a few weeks left to explore the fun areas around Davis and take a break from your studying. One of my favorite day trips I have taken this year has been to Auburn where I hiked the beautiful Clementine Trail to Clementine Lake. Even though it was very hot when I went, it had amazing views and even a fun watering hole to jump into and cool off at the end. The hike itself was a moderately easy trail with a few steep areas, but it was definitely worth the trek and I cannot wait to go again. 

Just coming off the trail, Ikeda’s Market and Restaurant in Auburn is a must for their local produce, amazing burgers and addictive pies. No matter how disheveled you look after trudging through the dirt with sweat dripping everywhere, Ikeda’s doesn’t care. So, if you find yourself itching to get outside and eat a delicious burger, take the one-hour drive to Auburn and embrace the outdoors!

Katie Hellman, Science and Tech Editor

My NorCal day trip of choice is San Francisco (in full transparency, it’s also the only place I’ve ever taken a day trip to from Davis, but that’s beside the point). There are plenty of sights to see and adventures to embark on in the city — some of them are well-known, like visiting the Golden Gate Bridge, taking the ferry to Alcatraz or witnessing a sea lion serenade at Fisherman’s Wharf, but there are also some must-see hidden gems. If you find yourself in the area, it’s worth it to check out the 16th Avenue Tile Steps, stroll along Stow Lake Boathouse and — my personal favorite — grab a treat at Ghirardelli Square. San Francisco is a convenient one-and-a-half hour car ride away and its close proximity to the ocean will give you a nice break from the spring Davis heat.

This is a stressful, tumultuous time for a lot of reasons. We hope you can take time to care for yourself and your friends, whether that be a weekend getaway or just checking in via text. Take care, Aggies! 

Written by: The Editorial Board 


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