Comments for The Aggie Student-run, independent newspaper at UC Davis 🗞️ - 📍New issue out every Thursday! Wed, 17 Jan 2024 07:20:42 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Davis City Council votes to call for immediate ceasefire to Israel-Gaza war by Aaron Wed, 17 Jan 2024 07:20:42 +0000 Yarmulke* or Kippah, not “Yamaka”

Comment on People for Bikes ranks Davis No. 1 city in California for bikeability by Jim Skeen Wed, 08 Nov 2023 18:51:11 +0000 Condition of pavement, attitude of drivers and riders, and theft rates should be included. None of these factors would help Davis’s score.

Comment on The California Aggie can be a platform for your voice by Karahan Mete Mon, 06 Nov 2023 22:58:41 +0000 As a resident of Davis for over 30 years, I am deeply concerned about the sentiments expressed by the Davis Farmers Market Management. I started an open stand in response to the Israeli bombardment in Gaza, with the aim of promoting peace and advocating for an immediate ceasefire in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I am grateful for the support I have received, with 98% of the people who visited my stand endorsing my peace efforts, including members of the Jewish community.

However, I encountered some individuals with extremist views who harassed me. It is important to clarify that I do not label these individuals as representative of all Jewish people, as I have many Jewish friends who are committed to peace. I prefer to refer to these individuals as extremist right-wing Israelis.

While I anticipated such harassment and was open to engaging in civilized discussions with those who held differing views, I was disheartened to find that the Farmers Market Manager, Randii MacNear, who is of Jewish heritage, also joined the ranks of those harassing me.

I want to emphasize that I will not compromise my right to freedom of speech and expression, despite their attempts to intimidate me by threatening to involve law enforcement or shut down my activities. It is unfortunate that some Israeli right-wing extremists are willing to go to great lengths to silence opposing voices, a fact underscored by their actions.

To illustrate the severity of their tactics, I want to share an incident where I had a disagreement with a UC Davis professor who took the extreme step of reporting me to the FBI, accusing me of being a sleeper cell terrorist. This highlights their willingness to disrupt lives and families in order to silence dissenting voices.

The situation in Palestine is a human crisis, and the people in the region, regardless of their background, deserve our support. It is our moral duty not to remain silent, as silence can make us complicit in the ongoing tragedy. There is no justification for the indiscriminate bombing of civilians, which has resulted in the deaths of thousands, including many children, and left countless more missing or buried under rubble. Over a short period, over 10,000 civilians have lost their lives due to the actions of Israeli forces.

Comment on Fourth-year, 15-year-old Tiara Abraham receives YoungArts Award by Tiara Abraham Mon, 28 Feb 2022 20:44:03 +0000 It was 2022 YoungArts Award and not 2021, please make a note of that!

Comment on Davis Austrian pastry cafe closing on Feb. 26 after 32 years of business by Dave Mandel Fri, 25 Feb 2022 02:43:58 +0000 Add-on: articles on and books about Nizrami and “Layla and Majnun” can be found online.

Comment on Davis Austrian pastry cafe closing on Feb. 26 after 32 years of business by Dave Mandel Fri, 25 Feb 2022 02:40:41 +0000 Sorry, “knew another”, not “new another.”

Comment on Davis Austrian pastry cafe closing on Feb. 26 after 32 years of business by Dave Mandel Fri, 25 Feb 2022 02:39:33 +0000 Konditorei and the Kutternigs will be VERY sorely missed. I only wish that Albert & Gloria new another Austrian master baker to whom they might have sold the business, so that we who patronized Konditerei for all or some of those 32 years would not have to suffer without! Still, thanks to the Kutternig family for the decades of true, delicious excellence!

By the bye, Albert, Gloria & Layla might be amused and pleased to know that Eric Clapton based “Layla”, “I Am Yours”, and the album title on the 12th century Persian poet Nizami’s legend-based tale of the young maiden Layla and her poverty-struck lover. Google it! 😉

Comment on Students using Chegg spark discussion within computer science department by George Wed, 23 Feb 2022 03:58:59 +0000 The thing is that professors are not doing a good job of teaching. I have a computer scinece instructor for java. We are 3 weeks into the semester and finally he made his first announcement. to put it short, he stated that he is ” new” to teaching online and he apologizes for the lack of communication. He also announced the midterm that will be in about a week. The professor of java that im currently taking has not made any effort on teaching. No instruction videos, no responses to email questions, no way to reach out to the professor. Nothing. So currently we are learning from ” pay to do your homework websites” such as cengage, or pearson. and when you have that you feel a misconnection with the course and scammed cause you have to pay about 120 dollars to access it and only for 4 months.
of note, other professors that I currently have for the semester have done the exact same thing. for computer management, he announces every week to read a chapter and answer questions at the end of the chapter from the course book which we also have to pay. he doesn’t teach, we just submit the work and done. And that’s the thing, a lot of misconnections with the students and the course. and unfortunately this is with all my classes. I have requested for instructional videos but my professor recommends YouTube. That came from my calc 2 professor. I do not want to be someone spending hours of videos that cannot offer the exact information required to learn a particular section of the work. Chegg has helped me learn by analyzing my own work in comparison to the answer that was provided. in short, it gives me an insight to the problem which I would have spent hours or days looking for. and if you oppose the professor about any particular inconvenience then they may fail you or deduct points on the grading system. I blame the school and professors for that.

Comment on Test materials vending machine available in Olson Hall by KD Tue, 07 Dec 2021 16:59:02 +0000 On this day in December if 2021; after a few long walks across campus beyond the hours of the student store I found that there is, in fact, no vending machine with school supplies in the depths of Olson hall. However, had I been in desperate need of a beverage the time I wasted would have felt worth it. Yet, now I know that if an Aggie were to need a scantron you’ve just gotta go to the Student Community Center if it’s after 6pm or so & they’ll even give it to you for free.

Comment on Humor: Aww! Student, professor bond: both exposed to Wellman asbestos by m.myers Mon, 06 Dec 2021 09:53:38 +0000 Get rid of the asbestos. This is ridiculous. We have enough on our minds with Covid.
