General education courses can be a tedious requirement to fulfill for those just trying to focus on their major classes. But since we all have to do it, why not take a course that was voted the best GE course of 2018?
For the second consecutive year, Nutrition 10: Discoveries and Concepts in Nutrition, more commonly known as NUT 10, has been crowned the best general education course at UC Davis.
Taught this spring by Dr. Jacqueline Bergman, the course aims to present the “concepts and rationale of nutrition” in a way that can also be applied to students’ personal diets. The best part of the course is that, while informative, it isn’t demanding.
“It’s easy because everything is there for you,” said Adam Ali, a third-year computer science major currently enrolled in the course. “The guidelines are clear.”
The goal of the class isn’t to trip you up. Instead, periodic extra credit quizzes help ease the stress when the midterms hit, providing students with a cushion should disaster strike, or just an easier night’s sleep the day before — rare for a UC Davis class in general, as any student can tell you.
This three-unit GE has a minimal homework load and a number of extra credit opportunities, making it an easy pick in completing those GEs. NUT 10 is also offered as an online course for those looking for more flexibility within their schedule or those just looking to sleep in.
Students leave with not only a healthier look at their diets, but also a chance to take a breather from more intensive, major-related courses, which leaves us wondering: what more could you ask for in a GE?
Written by: Erin Hamilton and Hanadi Jordan — features@ucdavis.edu