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Davis, California

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


The Editorial Board meets with Chancellor May, UC Davis administrators — Spring 2024

May and administrators discuss UAW 4811 strike, AI usage, pro-Palestine encampment and their advice to graduates  By THE EDITORIAL BOARD The California Aggie’s Editorial Board met...

California must not cut spending on crucial financial aid programs

The Middle Class Scholarship and Cal Grant provide millions for California students, and cutting them will cause students to suffer    By CLAIRE SCHAD — cfschad@ucdavis.edu    For...

The state of your closet might be a problem, but so is the state of our planet

Here’s how to fight fast fashion — and look good doing it By THE EDITORIAL BOARD Fast fashion has revolutionized the clothing industry with the mass...

The cows got confused and started mewing instead of mooing

The jawline goes crazy   By ALLISON KELEHER — adkeleher@ucdavis.edu    UC Davis is a well-known, acclaimed university with esteemed faculty and plenty of research opportunities. However, it’s...

UC Davis lecture halls: the good, the bad and the ugly

Criteria includes comfy seating, aesthetic, lighting and more   By MAYA KORNYEYEVA — mkornyeyeva@ucdavis.edu   Ah, a lecture hall. The setting of so many power naps, failed microphones,...

Allergy season

Drawn by: Emma Lapidus –– eblapidus@ucdavis.edu  Disclaimer: (This cartoon is humor and/or satire, and its content is purely fictional. The story and names of “sources”...

The modern ‘Planet of the Apes’ series is a sleeper masterpiece

The film saga is the gold standard of reboots — why is it still slept on?   By JOAQUIN WATERS — jwat@ucdavis.edu   “You might not like what...

‘The Balanced Meal’

Drawn by: Lanhui Zhen –– lazhen@ucdavis.edu  Disclaimer: (This cartoon is humor and/or satire, and its content is purely fictional. The story and names of “sources”...

Meet the UC Davis animals

Audrey’s guide to the critters on campus   By AUDREY ZHANG — aurzhang@ucdavis.edu   The first time I came to UC Davis, a turkey blocked my path to...

Kennedy strikes again

Will RFK Jr. spoil the 2024 presidential election?   By MOLLY THOMPSON — mmtthompson@ucdavis.edu    The Kennedys — a family so quintessentially American that Olivia Rodrigo sang praises...

Coffee and flowers: the emergent flavor phenomena

Floral flavors serve to be transformative in the coffee beverage industry   By MAYA KORNYEYEVA — mkornyeyeva@ucdavis.edu   Coffee, as a beverage, is well-known for its versatile flavor...

Taylor Swift’s excessive merchandising practices are not sustainable

Consumerism drives much of the music industry and top artists must acknowledge the detrimental effects    By CLAIRE SCHAD — cfschad@ucdavis.edu    It is no secret that Taylor...

Davis MoMA: Fatal Laff

Original: “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci   Drawn by: Nimra Farhan –– nfarhan@ucdavis.edu  Disclaimer: (This cartoon is humor and/or satire, and its content is purely fictional....

The Editorial Board seeks to inspire your weekend getaway

Take a day trip to stave off the burnout until summer break By THE EDITORIAL BOARD We know that sometimes you’d rather be anywhere than the...

A peek into man econ majors’ strange new way of networking

Someone please tell me this happened to them too   By ALLISON KELEHER — adkeleher@ucdavis.edu    I recently changed my major to managerial economics with an accounting minor,...